Dra. Cecilia Arrizabalaga
Odontóloga especializada Endodoncia Master en Endodoncia Clínica y MIcrocirugía Periapical por la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (2011-2014). Master en Cirugía Implantológica, prótesis y periimplamntología por la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.
Dr. Camila Baglivo
Ortodoncista Master de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dentofacial por la Universidad Internacional de Cataluña. Certificado y Master avanzado en Invisalign. Anclaje esquelético en Ortodoncia: Microtornillos. Ayudas quirúrgicas en Ortodoncia: Corticotomías. Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia. Miembro de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Ortodoncia. European Orthodontic Society postgraduate member.
Dr. Leandro Brogi y Dr. David Fabian Gonzalez
Natalia Blanco
Rocio Bueno
Dra. Constanza Micheletti
Postgrade in Essentials for the Aesthetic Dentist. New York University. USA Postgrade in Aesthetic Dentistry. CEODONT. Spain. General Dentistry Oral Surgery Prosthodontics
Dr Nicolas Aronna Mallia
With the broad experience in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, using modern Techniques minimally invasive approach with micro-surgical instruments has been considered one of the Best in his field of Bone and soft Tissue regeneration as well as implant placement. His excellent academic awards include his studies in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry in United States, New […]
Dr Giovanna Di Prima
Expert in Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry. Digital Smile Designer and after finishing her studies in New York University she became Faculty Member in Prosthodontics Department Fixed and Implant Simulations Prosthodontics. New York University, USA. She is the essential part of our Centre where all treatments start and finish. The Smile Design and the achievement of the […]